We then made our way to the Animal Kingdom. The first thing we did was the safari. This was really cool. Because it was cooler and drizzled all day we saw lots of animals.
Then we found more characters!
We then ventured to Dinoland! Jenson had a lot of fun here.
We found the Dino Dig and had a ball! There were dino foot prints that you stepped on to make dinosuars roar!
It started to rain a little harder so we decided to into the Tree of Life to watch a Bugs Life. This was so fun! The bugs would spit on you, poke you in the back, and even run under your seats!
Then we found more characters...imagine that!
We finsihed the evening at Downtown Disney and ate at the T-Rex...this was awesome. Unfortunately we didn't have our camera with us. We ate in an ice cave and at the end of our meal Jnson made his own veloceraptor! It was then time for bed as we had an early pick up time to go to the airport.
As we were leaving on the Magical Bus Jenson yells out, "Goodbye Disney World! See you next time!"
Fun! We never ventured into "A Bug's Life"...mainly b/c we thought Reese would be a little freaked out. But I've heard it's a great show. I still cannot get over how many characters Jenson got to meet and greet. I'm so glad you had an awesome time!